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Talking About What You Love: Hobbies in Spanish

Hands holding objects symbolizing various hobbies, such as a soccer ball, book, paintbrush, headphones, guitar, rolling pin, camera, and video game controller, with 'HOBBIES' written in clouds and the Spanish Learning Method logo.

Talking about hobbies in Spanish is a great way to engage in conversations and share interests. Here's a detailed explanation, including common vocabulary related to hobbies, how to ask about hobbies, and how to describe your own. Common Hobbies (Pasatiempos Comunes)

  • Leer - To read

  • Escribir - To write

  • Escuchar música - To listen to music

  • Tocar un instrumento - To play an instrument

  • Cantar - To sing

  • Bailar - To dance

  • Pintar - To paint

  • Dibujar - To draw

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Common hobbies / Pasatiempos comunes

  • Fotografiar - To photograph

  • Cocinar - To cook

  • Hacer ejercicio - To exercise

  • Correr - To run

  • Nadar - To swim

  • Jugar al fútbol - To play soccer

  • Jugar al baloncesto - To play basketball

  • Montar en bicicleta - To ride a bike

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Common hobbies / Pasatiempos comunes

  • Viajar - To travel

  • Ver películas - To watch movies

  • Jugar videojuegos - To play video games

  • Jardinería - Gardening

  • Acampar - To camp

  • Hacer senderismo - To hike

  • Tejer - To knit

  • Hacer manualidades - To do crafts

  • Pescar - To fish

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Common hobbies / Pasatiempos comunes

Asking About Hobbies

To ask someone about their hobbies, you can use the following questions:

  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos? - What are your hobbies? (informal)

  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? - What do you like to do in your free time? (informal)

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Asking about hobbies (Informal) / Preguntando sobre pasatiempos (Informal)

  • ¿Cuáles son sus pasatiempos? - What are your hobbies? (formal)

  • ¿Qué le gusta hacer en su tiempo libre? - What do you like to do in your free time? (formal)

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Asking about hobbies (Formal) / Preguntando sobre pasatiempos (Formal)

Describing Your Hobbies

To describe your hobbies, you can use the verb "gustar" (to like) or other verbs like "disfrutar" (to enjoy), "interesar" (to interest), and "encantar" (to love). Here are some examples:

  • Me gusta [hobby]. - I like [hobby].

  • Example: Me gusta leer. - I like to read.

  • Me encanta [hobby]. - I love [hobby].

  • Example: Me encanta viajar. - I love to travel.

  • Disfruto [hobby]. - I enjoy [hobby].

  • Example: Disfruto cocinar. - I enjoy cooking.

  • Me interesa [hobby]. - [Hobby] interests me.

  • Example: Me interesa la fotografía. - Photography interests me.

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Describing your hobbies / Describiendo tus pasatiempos

Example Sentences

  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?

  • Me gusta tocar la guitarra y correr. - I like to play the guitar and run.

  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?

  • En mi tiempo libre, me encanta ver películas y leer libros. - In my free time, I love to watch movies and read books.

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Example sentences / Ejemplos de oraciones


Asking About Hobbies: Use questions like "¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?" or "¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?".

Describing Your Hobbies: Use phrases like "Me gusta...", "Me encanta...", "Disfruto...", and "Me interesa...".

Common Hobbies: Learn vocabulary for various activities such as reading, cooking, playing sports, and more.

By mastering these phrases and vocabulary, you'll be able to have engaging conversations about hobbies in Spanish. Practice these examples to enhance your fluency and connect with others over shared interests. Ready to share your hobbies in Spanish?


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