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Introducing Numbers from 0 to 100 in Spanish

A cascade of numbers falling

Learning to count from 0 to 100 in Spanish is a fundamental step in mastering the language. Whether you're shopping, traveling, or just practicing, knowing these numbers will help you communicate more effectively. Let's dive into the numbers and some essential tips.

Spanish Numbers from 0 to 20

Here are the numbers from 0 to 20 in Spanish:

  • 0 - Cero

  • 1 - Uno

  • 2 - Dos

  • 3 - Tres

  • 4 - Cuatro

  • 5 - Cinco

  • 6 - Seis

  • 7 - Siete

  • 8 - Ocho

  • 9 - Nueve

  • 10 - Diez

  • 11 - Once

  • 12 - Doce

  • 13 - Trece

  • 14 - Catorce

  • 15 - Quince

  • 16 - Dieciséis

  • 17 - Diecisiete

  • 18 - Dieciocho

  • 19 - Diecinueve

  • 20 - Veinte

Audio cover
Números 1 al 20

Numbers from 21 to 29

From 21 to 29, the numbers are formed by combining "veinte" (20) and the unit, written as one word:

  • 21 - Veintiuno

  • 22 - Veintidós

  • 23 - Veintitrés

  • 24 - Veinticuatro

  • 25 - Veinticinco

  • 26 - Veintiséis

  • 27 - Veintisiete

  • 28 - Veintiocho

  • 29 - Veintinueve

Audio cover
Números 21 al 29

Numbers from 30 to 100

Starting from 30, the numbers are formed by combining the tens and the units with "y" (and):

  • 30 - Treinta

  • 31 - Treinta y uno

  • 32 - Treinta y dos

  • 33 - Treinta y tres

  • (And so on...)

Audio cover
Números 30 al 39

  • 40 - Cuarenta

  • 41 - Cuarenta y uno

  • 42 - Cuarenta y dos

  • 43 - Cuarenta y tres

  • (And so on...)

Audio cover
Números 40 al 49

  • 50 - Cincuenta

  • 51 - Cincuenta y uno

  • 52 - Cincuenta y dos

  • 53 - Cincuenta y tres

  • (And so on...)

Audio cover
Números 50 al 59

  • 60 - Sesenta

  • 61 - Sesenta y uno

  • 62 - Sesenta y dos

  • 63 - Sesenta y tres

  • (And so on...)

Audio cover
Números 60 al 69

  • 70 - Setenta

  • 71 - Setenta y uno

  • 72 - Setenta y dos

  • 73 - Setenta y tres

  • (And so on...)

Audio cover
Números 70 al 79

  • 80 - Ochenta

  • 81 - Ochenta y uno

  • 82 - Ochenta y dos

  • 83 - Ochenta y tres

  • (And so on...)

Audio cover
Números 80 al 89

  • 90 - Noventa

  • 91 - Noventa y uno

  • 92 - Noventa y dos

  • 93 - Noventa y tres

  • (And so on...)

  • 100 - Cien

Audio cover
Números 90 al 100

Important Notes

Combining Tens and Units

  • Notice that "veintiuno" (21) through "veintinueve" (29) are all one word, combining "veinte" (20) with the unit number.

  • From 31 onward, you use "y" (and) between the tens and the units, e.g., "treinta y uno" (31).

Changes in "Cien"

  • The word "cien" (100) changes to "ciento" when combined with other numbers, e.g., "ciento uno" (101).

Accent Marks

  • Accents are crucial in maintaining the correct pronunciation: "veintidós," "veintitrés," and "veintiséis" all have accents.

Phonetic Pronunciation

  • Spanish numbers are mostly phonetic, meaning they are pronounced as they are written, which simplifies learning.

By mastering these numbers, you'll enhance your Spanish skills, making everyday interactions smoother and more accurate. Practice regularly, pay attention to accents, and soon you'll be counting like a native speaker! Ready to continue your Spanish journey?


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