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Essential Spanish Phrases for Your First Classroom Experience

To effectively communicate with your teacher in your first Spanish class, you'll need to know some key phrases and vocabulary related to the classroom environment. Let's dive into some important words and phrases that will help you navigate your new learning space with confidence.

Students are raising hands asking for help or willing to answer a question in class

Classroom Instructions Mastering these instructions will ensure you understand what your teacher expects:

  • Escucha (Listen) 

  • Lee (Read)

  • Escribe (Write)

  • Repite (Repeat)

  • Mira (Look)

  • Habla (Speak)

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Classroom Instructions / Instrucciones de Clase

Asking for Help Don't hesitate to ask for assistance with these phrases:

  • ¿Cómo se dice...? (How do you say...?)

  • ¿Qué significa...? (What does … mean?)

  • ¿Puede repetir, por favor? (Can you repeat, please?)

  • No entiendo (I don't understand)

  • ¿Puede ayudarme? (Can you help me?)

  • Tengo una pregunta (I have a question)

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Asking for for help / Pidiendo ayuda

Common Classroom Phrases

Familiarize yourself with these common phrases used in the classroom:

  • Presente (Present) – when answering roll call

  • Aquí (Here) – another way to say present

  • (Yes)

  • No (No)

  • Tal vez (Maybe)

  • ¿Puedo ir al baño? (Can I go to the bathroom?)

  • ¿Puedo beber agua? (Can I drink water?)

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Common Classroom Phrases / Frases de uso común en el aula

Basic Needs

Communicate your basic needs with these expressions:

  • Tengo hambre (I am hungry)

  • Tengo sed (I am thirsty)

  • Estoy cansado/cansada (I am tired) – cansado for males, cansada for females

  • Estoy enfermo/enferma (I am sick) – enfermo for males, enferma for females

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Basic Needs / Necesidades Básicas

Basic Classroom Objects Knowing the names of common classroom objects can be very helpful:

  • El libro (The book)

  • El cuaderno (The notebook)

  • El lápiz (The pencil)

  • El bolígrafo (The pen)

  • La pizarra (The blackboard/whiteboard)

  • El borrador (The eraser)

  • El papel (The paper)

  • La mochila (The backpack)

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Basic Classroom Objects / Objetos básicos del aula

These essential Spanish phrases and vocabulary for your first classroom Experience will help you to communicate effectively in your first Spanish class. By learning these phrases, you'll be ready to engage confidently with your teacher and classmates.


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